Craig Sawyer Craig Sawyer

Finalized federal rule reduces total duration of short-term health plans to 4 months

President Biden has issued an Executive Order reducing the total duration of short-term health plans to only 4 months…eliminating a large sector of more affordable private plan options. HHS rule will apply to short-term limited duration insurance plans sold or issued on or after September 1, 2024.

Get grand-fathered on these plans now before they’re gone!

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Craig Sawyer Craig Sawyer

The Impact of Health Insurance on Mental Health Care

Mental health care is an essential aspect of overall well-being, and health insurance plays a significant role in ensuring access to these services. This article discusses the impact of health insurance on mental health care, including coverage for therapy, counseling, and psychiatric medication.

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Craig Sawyer Craig Sawyer

Understanding Health Insurance Open Enrollment Periods

Open enrollment periods are crucial for individuals and families to enroll in or make changes to their health insurance plans. This article explains what open enrollment is, why it matters, and the key dates to be aware of. It emphasizes the importance of taking advantage of this period to secure suitable coverage.

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Craig Sawyer Craig Sawyer

Navigating Health Insurance Networks

Health insurance networks determine which healthcare providers and facilities are covered under your plan. This article provides insights into different network types, such as HMOs and PPOs, and explains how they can impact your access to healthcare services. Understanding networks can help you choose a plan that aligns with your preferred providers.

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